Unfolding of a New Day

Let the day unfold before you in surprise and wonder, my child. Let its charms sneak up on you as a child at play. Let it tap you gently on the shoulder to say, “Turn. Look. See what I have for you here.”

It is fresh and new every morning. It is waiting your glance, for you to notice. It is longing for you to give praise and adoration the way you would give to a child. It waits to hear your voice exclaim, What a beautiful day! What a glorious sun! What scrumptious color surrounds me!

I long to give you strength and peace to take you carefully through day’s unfolding. A new day. The rising of your true being. The unfolding of your purpose that will fulfill you this day and every day forward. This day unfolds before you now.

For more see  Joy Unfolding, Messages for the Guarded Heart

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