Tag trust

Find Hope

Find hope in the little things. Find hope in the smallest pleasures and in the tiniest of challenges. Find hope and hide it in your heart. Take it with you and let it speak quietly as you wind your way…

Open Wide and Take Flight

Chase the butterfly. Follow it into the fields, beyond the high standing blades of grass. Chase it through the meadow. Watch as it lights gently on a graceful pedal, fresh and vibrant with color. Watch as it flits about and…

Resurrected Hope

Draw the rain to you, my beloved, in resurrected hope. Lift your hands to the sky. Call out to the clouds to release their waters to pour upon you all their bounty. Let them shower you, cleansing you of yesterday.…

Feel the Brokenness

Feel the brokenness in your soul. Let it break. Let it break without fear that you will be rendered fractured, deemed worthless, and tossed away. You have seen that happen time and time again. Something breaks. Its owner throws it…

Trust is a Precious Gift

Trust is a precious gift. It is a treasure. It is without measure. You cannot trust just a little bit. Either you trust or you don’t trust. Then trust, once committed to, can grow and produce greatness. Trust can unlock doors…

Where Are You Going?

Where are you going, my child? On what horizon have you set your eyes? What hopes, what dreams do you see there? What drives you so far? Light from a distant place draws you, creating a yearning in your soul…

I Say Yes!

How often do we get caught up in the negative? How often does NO seem to hold us back from what is truly our heart’s desire, our goal, our purpose? It doesn’t have to. Here’s a better word. ———– Yes!…

Journey With Me

Come and journey with me for I know the road ahead. I know the detours, the bumps, the resting places and the valleys. I know the places that will make you laugh, the places that will cause you sorrow. Now…

Unconditional Love

“Hey Lord, you remember my new quest I said I would pursue?  To love unconditionally.  To be like you, to give love without expectation, without judging, without looking for it in return?  I’ve been working on that. I’ve failed.” “That’s…

The Line of Scrimmage

As I was finishing my shower this morning, I asked, “What do I need to know about today, Lord?” “You’ve reached the line of scrimmage,” he answered me.  The line of scrimmage?  I did play in the high school band…