Tag renewal

My First Book Tour

I’ll be giving a few talks about my Camino de Santiago journey and subsequent book in a few weeks. I’m really excited, and nervous, and appreciative of the opportunities. Being an author and speaker is a dream I’ve had for…

Letting Go

Circling back to my post on August 28, . . . I wrote about how I at one time had really loved freshly-sharpened pencils. They motivated me to write, but I hadn’t written with one in a long time. So…

After the Snow, the Sun Begins to Shine

Today I have a poem, a song, of encouragement to share with you. Even if you have been going through difficult times, there’s always hope for tomorrow. There’s always something good to come. Let’s look for it. May this song…

After the Snow

Today I’m sharing a song I wrote many, many . . . yes many . . . years ago. I hope its message will uplift and encourage you today. “Well don’t you know, after the snow the mountaintop sends down…

To Live Fully

An old African proverb suggests “When death finds you, make sure it finds you alive.”  What wonderful advice to live by! It’s inspiring to me. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t fear death, but I’m not inviting it either. This…

Decluttering the Soul

For some time I’ve been aware that we can clutter our minds, but it caught me off guard to realize that my soul can also be full of clutter. I was reading from Francis Weller’s The Wild Edge of Sorrow…

Welcome the Heat

So the sun is in your eyes, you say. It blinds you. You cannot see. It causes you to tear up and makes you to back away, to turn away. But no, my precious one. Do not turn away. Just…

Through the Corridor

I see you, my beloved, as you walk the narrow corridor flanked by memories on each side; touching them, smelling them, feeling them with every breath you take. I see you, and I reach out my hand to you. I…