Tag purpose

Unfolding of a New Day

Let the day unfold before you in surprise and wonder, my child. Let its charms sneak up on you as a child at play. Let it tap you gently on the shoulder to say, “Turn. Look. See what I have…

Give What You Treasure

Something for nothing. All over the world people look for what they might get, what they can gain. Yet who looks for what they might give, what they can contribute? Many live upside down in this thought. They are happy…

The Journey of Faith

The journey of faith is not a long walk. It is short. It is but a step from unbelief to belief, . . . from no to yes, . . . from I can’t to I will . . .…

The Prize is Yours

You are not behind as you have feared, my precious one. You are not the horse at the end of the race, last to cross the finish line. You are not one who holds back because of fear. Nor do…

It’s My Trail, My Discovery

“Lord,” I say and then pause, not knowing what to ask, what to comment, where to go with this. I only know a longing to talk with him and to hear his guiding voice. I sit in silence and come…