Blogging with Purpose
My hiatus away from this weekly blog has been refreshing and meaningful for me. Thank you for bearing with me while I disappeared. I’ve been considering the purpose of this blog, as well as my life purpose, and I’m ready…
My hiatus away from this weekly blog has been refreshing and meaningful for me. Thank you for bearing with me while I disappeared. I’ve been considering the purpose of this blog, as well as my life purpose, and I’m ready…
Bridge walking. That’s what has been on my mind this week. Bridge walking – taking me from where I am to where I’m going. Bridge walking – spanning two seasons of time. I sense that I am entering a new…
We all have that still, small voice within us – trying to get our attention, trying to get us to connect with ourselves. It has full knowledge and understanding of who we are, and I believe it actually commissions our…
Is there something on your heart you’ve been putting off doing? Some dream you’ve shelved? Some idea you’re waiting to work on when you get the time? Don’t wait. Now is a good time to get to it! You never…
Some days I have nothing to say. Nothing new anyway. Some days I need to simply stop and reflect on what I’ve already said, heard in my spirit, or read somewhere. Some days I already have so many unprocessed and…
I have two things to share with you this week! Recently I was blessed to be interviewed by Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles – How to Get from Where You Are to…
Firebreathin Rob interviewed me about my book for his podcast! But don’t be scared — I think his fire has been replaced by his smile. You can catch that 8-minute interview here. After you listen, please feel free to rate…
Some days I feel just a little lost. Some days I find myself questioning what is my purpose here on this earth. This week I was touched by the daily meditation from Fr. Richard Rohr from the Center for Action…
Patience. Let patience have her work in you. Let her draw you, mold you, settle you. Let patience take you from one moment to the next. It is not the unknowing that unsettles you, you know. It is the unbelieving.…
Your longing . . . your desire . . .your reaching out for more . . . It is all from me. Pushing, pulling, drawing you to come out of the shell that has held you. Drawing you into this…