Tag purpose

Be You–and No One Else

Fishing boat clear water

This month I’m conducting a workshop at the California Library Association Conference: Ten Self-Care Tips: Looking for Sane Practices in Times of Insane Demands. I’ll break down those tips for you here over the next ten weeks. Tip #1: Be…

A Tribute to My Equinox

I’m happy to say that this week I paid off my Chevy Equinox. My gorgeous ivy green Equinox, Ivy. I’ve been thinking about her all week because she’s special. She’s symbolic. I traded in a Hyundai Sonata for her in…

Strength with Style

young asian woman leaning on tree while stretching

In recent years I’ve taken up the practice of jotting down phrases and lines that come to me while I’m out and about. If I don’t, I’ll forget them. That doesn’t worry me much because it’s not like I actually…

I Like Coming Home

This week I was away at a conference where I gave the keynote welcome speech. I really enjoyed it, and I loved interacting with so many people. And now as I sit in the airport waiting to fly back home,…

Jaw-Dropping Awe

woman in gray sleeveless top standing indoors

You wanna know what makes my jaw drop in awe and my eyes grow moist? It’s the realization that the dream I seek, seeks me, too. I’m not alone in the dreaming. To know it’s not a one-way stretch, to…