Tag passion

My Reticular Activating System

selective focus photography of gray stainless steel condenser microphone

Podcasts. They’re pretty new to me. In recent years they’ve fueled me, taught me, and inspired me. I generally don’t recap here what I’ve heard, but I’m inclined to share this week a thought I heard while listening to Lewis…

I Keep Hanging On

yellow bird hanging on the stem

What a week it’s been! Hot. Smokey. Stressful work projects. Pants that became too small. Garden flowers wilted and dying. So what? I keep hanging on. In fact, I thrive regardless of the punches the circumstances are throwing at me.…

Passion in the Garden

My garden is a challenge. I’m not really a gardener, but I think I could be. Maybe. This quest started in 2015 when my doctor asked me, “What do you do for fun?” I sat motionless, thinking, and hoping that…