Tag live in the now

Your Time is Now

Time is too short, life is too short, to be moving with such hesitation, fear and looking to others. Look only to your spirit and you will see. You will see that you do not need to first see what…

Solitude’s Garden

Come away, my beloved. Come away with me to a quiet place, to a garden filled with all that teases and awakens your senses. Let go of demands of every day activity. Though the activity remains present before you, its…

Open Wide and Take Flight

Chase the butterfly. Follow it into the fields, beyond the high standing blades of grass. Chase it through the meadow. Watch as it lights gently on a graceful pedal, fresh and vibrant with color. Watch as it flits about and…

Not So Fast

Today I had a vision to share with a friend.  She was wedged in a crevice on a steep mountain.  The path which led around the mountain had fallen away at this one point; there was a gap between the…

Live in the Present

“Turn around and look at where you have come from. Look at where you have been,” the Lord says to me early this morning. But I’m afraid to look back, afraid to see what is behind me. Afraid it will…