Tag gratitude

Did Life Get Difficult? Practice Self-Care

The holidays are filled with wonderful times with friends and family. Usually. But sometimes life throws us a curve we’re not expecting and it doesn’t feel so wonderful. That’s when it’s more important than ever to practice good self-care. I…

Happy Birthday to Me

colose up photo of assorted colored balloons

So I turned 69 and was considering what I will see in my 69th year of living.  My answer: Something significant. Something big, audacious. Yes, I will audaciously pursue a bold, full life. By the time I turn 70 I’ll…

Why Walk When You Can Dance?

Why walk when you can dance? Dance. In rhythm, out of rhythm, to silence or to music, in a line or in circles. There are no rules, only that we move as we feel. Dance into darkness and dispel our…

What Will Be Your Legacy?

What legacy do you hope to leave this year? What would you like people to think of when your name comes to mind? This year, during your life, as well as when you’ve left this world. What imprint do you…

Good- bye 2022, Welcome 2023!

Where does time go? we ask.   It goes with us. Time is ours to do with as we wish. We can embrace it, enjoy it, and work harmoniously with it, respecting its boundaries and strengths. Or, we can fight it,…

Farewell to 2022


Dear Year 2022, You fooled me. You let me think the year was going to stretch out and unfold slowly. That there was no rush, that there’s plenty of time for everything and everyone. Now the year is coming to…

I Got a Kimber Award!

Yay me! Yesterday I learned that I am one of seven authors to receive a prestigious KIMBER AWARD! Don’t know what that is? Check out the announcement on Pages & Paws where Kimber and Mom write my favorite book blogs.…

A New World

I’ve been thinking about the last entry from my last post . . . that one of my favorite things is Dvorak’s New World Symphony. It is a special experience for me. In high school we performed this piece for…

My Favorite Things

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,” . . . so sang Julie Andrews about a few of her favorite things in The Sound of Music. How wonderful to have a list of…