Tag dreams

Good- bye 2022, Welcome 2023!

Where does time go? we ask.   It goes with us. Time is ours to do with as we wish. We can embrace it, enjoy it, and work harmoniously with it, respecting its boundaries and strengths. Or, we can fight it,…

Live Your Dreams

When day is done, when all has been said, when evening light is turned out, close your eyes, my beloved. Close your eyes and rest. Summon the hopes and dreams from deep in your soul, nestled among the fears and…

The Journey of Faith

The journey of faith is not a long walk. It is short. It is but a step from unbelief to belief, . . . from no to yes, . . . from I can’t to I will . . .…

Too Much Sanity

Many years ago a line spoken by Don Quixote in the musical Man of La Mancha caught my attention. It filled me with awe. It inspired me. It still does. It makes me pause to consider such a powerful statement. Quixote…