Tag dreams

My Superpower

person sitting in front of body of water

This week I was in a meeting in which we were asked to think about our “superpower.” Mine is one I’m still developing. Thinking of it reminded me of a post I wrote about my superpower in 2021 for Laura’s…

My Secret Superpower

person sitting on bench under tree

What is my superpower? My area of expertise? Well, it’s not easy. Not everyone can do it, or at least not do it well. It’s a talent I’ve crafted and refined over a lifetime . . . and I’ve really…

Jaw-Dropping Awe

woman in gray sleeveless top standing indoors

You wanna know what makes my jaw drop in awe and my eyes grow moist? It’s the realization that the dream I seek, seeks me, too. I’m not alone in the dreaming. To know it’s not a one-way stretch, to…

You Are Worthy of Your Dreams

You are worthy of your dreams. Your worthiness comes from being. Your being leads you into doing, and your doing leads you into doing the things that will bring your dreams to life. It’s inside you and you are worthy.…

Percussive Recalibration, Anyone?

The word recalibrate caught my attention the other day. “To make small changes to an instrument so that it measures accurately.” Sounds like it could be a mindful step to having a grateful heart. Recalibrate by looking clearly at our…

Can the “Can’t”

You’ve likely been told to never say “I can’t.” You may have even said it to others. Yet it still falls out of your mouth all of the time, doesn’t it? It may be challenging to eliminate those words from…

What Will Be Your Legacy?

What legacy do you hope to leave this year? What would you like people to think of when your name comes to mind? This year, during your life, as well as when you’ve left this world. What imprint do you…