Tag appreciation

Colors of Passion

shallow focus photo of gray paintbrush

This is a writing from my poetry book which I hope to publish some day. I share it as a gift for you. Perhaps it describes your life, too. My life is a painter’s canvas, and it has become an…

Let Go

crop black man praying at home

This week I share with you Tip #10 from Ten Self-Care Tips: Looking for Sane Practices in Times of Insane Demands – Know when to let go. Not everything is meant to last. Some activities—and some people—enter our lives. They…

Connect with Others

photography of people connecting their fingers

This week I share with you Tip #8 from Ten Self-Care Tips: Looking for Sane Practices in Times of Insane Demands – Connect with Others.  This is a hard one to write; perhaps because this is a practice that takes…

An Appreciation for Friends

I read an article this week by a hospice nurse who listed the five regrets she hears most from people as they are nearing death. One is they regret they did not stay in touch with friends. That tugs at…

A Little Giving Goes a Long Ways

I was inspired this week while watching an interview with Brad Formsma, author of “I Like Giving.”  A sweet, simple concept. Giving. But oh how powerful it is especially at a time when everyone has an unlimited supply of complaints…

Setting Intentions for 2022

My love letter to time

They say when you make a birthday wish, you’re supposed to keep it a secret. If you tell anyone what you wished for, it won’t come true. What’s up with that? And why is it that we then tend to…

Majesty and Wonder

My beloved, I have called you to abundant life. Don’t let any man pull you away from the joy of your spirit and the warmth of my love. Many are jealous, but they, too, can walk in joy and abundance…