Let Faith Arise
Let faith arise. Let faith arise in your heart this day. Let her rise up strong, sure of voice, and beautiful to behold. Welcome faith. Invite her in.
Many are fearful and though they cry out for faith, they run when she appears. They don’t recognize her. They do not trust. Rather than to reach out and touch her, to see that she is real, they draw back into darkness and wait, despondent and without hope, waiting for that which is not.
I say to you, my beloved, cry out. Cry out and welcome faith with a jubilant heart, with hope and with conviction and belief. Make room for her to become part of you. Welcome her with listening ears. Close your eyes and let her touch the tender of your heart, and know that with that touch, I too, am with you. I touch you. I love you and between us there is no separation.
Then shall faith arise and walk with you. Then shall you move forward without fear. Then you will speak to the mountain and it will move. You will call to the wind and it will come. You will look to the sea and you will see me walking across the waves, coming with peace and welcoming arms. Step into the waters with me and never look back. Come. Take my hand. Have faith. Touch faith. Live faith.