It’s Time to Dance in the Meadow
What do you do when you become widowed, leave your church family of 45 years, retire from your job and move halfway across the country? You get real with yourself. Emerging from a season of loss and the unraveling of every belief and certainty I had so carefully cultivated, that’s exactly what I began to do. Converse with God — WITH God, not TO God. Then I put those conversations into a book: Dance in the Meadow, Conversations of Self-Discovery, Clarity, and Love.
Pre-order your Kindle copy on Amazon for an introductory price of just $.99. That price is good only until June 20. Or you can also order it in paperback format.
Give it a read and let me know how it resonates with you! Or better yet, post your reaction to it as an Amazon review. I would so appreciate that.
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