I Write for Clarity. I Share for Community.

I write a lot about what I’m experiencing – life’s events and the emotions that go with them. Why? Because writing clarifies my heart for me. When I’m only in thinking mode, I often can’t quite find the words to understand what’s going on. They shift . . . like un unwilling vein that won’t lay still to let a needle draw out blood for a lab test. Words in thought move and won’t lay still, and I’m unable to gain clarity. So I write.

But then I share those private thoughts publicly. Why do I do that? Because I know I’m not the only one. I’m not the only one who has shed tears, been confused and then found relief in some simple message or an unassuming piece of nature. And maybe my expression will resonate with someone else. Then maybe they, too, will know that they are not alone. We are in community together. That’s why I write and share – because we are all connected, all one, all influencing and touching one another. Maybe only a little bit, but it’s enough to make a difference.

Last week I received several responses to the post about Letting Go of Stuff. Thank you. Evidently a lot of people have felt the same. That’s encouraging. For that reason, this week I make this invitation to you: If something I share touches you in some way, please let me know. And if you think it may uplift someone else, please share it or forward the post to the person. That would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

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