Category Gratitude

I Like Coming Home

This week I was away at a conference where I gave the keynote welcome speech. I really enjoyed it, and I loved interacting with so many people. And now as I sit in the airport waiting to fly back home,…

Waiting for May Flowers

I was just sitting and gazing at my new back yard, appreciating the beautiful green foliage edging the house in a few key places. The fragrance given from my lilac tree lingers ever so lightly now that it already bloomed…

A New Walking Path

It was warm yesterday. Bright sun. Cool breeze. Nice walking weather. So I put on my hiking sandals and took off. It’s my first time out for a walk in my new home, the Lewis-Clark Valley. I must say, I…

I’m Moving!

I’m on the move. I’m moving. Literally. Even as you read this, I am packing the dishes and coffee cups because the movers are on their way and Ray and I will be in our new home tomorrow (Monday). We’re…

Happy Birthday to Me

colose up photo of assorted colored balloons

So I turned 69 and was considering what I will see in my 69th year of living.  My answer: Something significant. Something big, audacious. Yes, I will audaciously pursue a bold, full life. By the time I turn 70 I’ll…

Why Walk When You Can Dance?

Why walk when you can dance? Dance. In rhythm, out of rhythm, to silence or to music, in a line or in circles. There are no rules, only that we move as we feel. Dance into darkness and dispel our…

I Got a Kimber Award!

Yay me! Yesterday I learned that I am one of seven authors to receive a prestigious KIMBER AWARD! Don’t know what that is? Check out the announcement on Pages & Paws where Kimber and Mom write my favorite book blogs.…

Bridges are So Profound

Bridge walking. That’s what has been on my mind this week. Bridge walking – taking me from where I am to where I’m going. Bridge walking – spanning two seasons of time. I sense that I am entering a new…