Category Gratitude

Small Steps, Big Changes

a woman opening curtains

There’s something nice about change. Sometimes it’s because it makes us more aware of what it is we’re changing from and more intentional about what we’re changing to. Kind of a mindfulness thing. My current change is to move my…

Read a Good Book Today

young woman with book and cake on sofa

Hey! Happy International Literacy Day! As you may know, I’ve worked in adult literacy and education for more than forty years now. It’s a career that inspires me, teaches me, and makes me think. And it causes me to appreciate…

My Reticular Activating System

selective focus photography of gray stainless steel condenser microphone

Podcasts. They’re pretty new to me. In recent years they’ve fueled me, taught me, and inspired me. I generally don’t recap here what I’ve heard, but I’m inclined to share this week a thought I heard while listening to Lewis…

I Keep Hanging On

yellow bird hanging on the stem

What a week it’s been! Hot. Smokey. Stressful work projects. Pants that became too small. Garden flowers wilted and dying. So what? I keep hanging on. In fact, I thrive regardless of the punches the circumstances are throwing at me.…

A Tribute to My Equinox

I’m happy to say that this week I paid off my Chevy Equinox. My gorgeous ivy green Equinox, Ivy. I’ve been thinking about her all week because she’s special. She’s symbolic. I traded in a Hyundai Sonata for her in…