Category General

After the Snow

Today I’m sharing a song I wrote many, many . . . yes many . . . years ago. I hope its message will uplift and encourage you today. “Well don’t you know, after the snow the mountaintop sends down…

Blogtober 2021

I’m happy to share Blogtober 2021 from Laura’s Books and Blogs. My essay is included! Hope you enjoy it, as well as the others written by fellow bloggers.

To Live Fully

An old African proverb suggests “When death finds you, make sure it finds you alive.”  What wonderful advice to live by! It’s inspiring to me. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t fear death, but I’m not inviting it either. This…

Decluttering the Soul

For some time I’ve been aware that we can clutter our minds, but it caught me off guard to realize that my soul can also be full of clutter. I was reading from Francis Weller’s The Wild Edge of Sorrow…

Time for a Re-Set

Change is inevitable. Always. As we learn and grow, we change.  This week you can see the evidence of some of my learning and growing on my updated, newly designed website. I hope you will find it a little easier…

Happy Birthday to Me!

What a beautiful birthday gift – To be able to say I just completed the best year of my life; that life gets better every year, that I find more beauty in the world every year, that goodness is unending.…

Man of La Mancha Inspiration

Last week I shared an observation from the musical Man of La Mancha. Today I continue with another one. In the musical Don Quixote arrives at an Inn – which he thinks is a castle. There he meets Aldonza, a…

Too Much Sanity

Many years ago a line spoken by Don Quixote in the musical Man of La Mancha caught my attention. It filled me with awe. It inspired me. It still does. It makes me pause to consider such a powerful statement. Quixote…

Behind the Writing Curtain

Words. Words sometimes fall like leaves falling from a tree. Slowly and steadily, a gentle breeze nudges them loose from a branch. I collect them and save them. Sometimes they back up and begin to fall over one another like…