Category General

A Valentine Message

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. My senses are being bombarded to remind me of it – mostly ads to promote sales.  Chocolates, flowers, jewelry, cards, dinners by candlelight. That’s all fine, and I do love chocolate! But I’m reminded of something…

Tell Me What You Did Tomorrow.

“Tell me what you did tomorrow.” That’s what the White Queen said to Alice in Wonderland. I’m intrigued. And I’m convinced. After all, isn’t that one of the keys to living your dream? To manifesting your dream? To reaching what…

A Wish for the New Year

Some days I feel just a little lost. Some days I find myself questioning what is my purpose here on this earth. This week I was touched by the daily meditation from Fr. Richard Rohr from the Center for Action…

A Message of Hope

My love letter to time

This week someone told me that we have a great need for hope right now. And we do, don’t we? Pure, simple hope.  The Lord once said to me – in response to my complaints – “The hope you bought…

Setting Intentions for 2022

My love letter to time

They say when you make a birthday wish, you’re supposed to keep it a secret. If you tell anyone what you wished for, it won’t come true. What’s up with that? And why is it that we then tend to…

Running out of time? I think not.

My love letter to time

I think I’m running out of time, or time is getting away from me, or something. There is a mismatch between all I want to do, all I dream to do and the actual doing that gets done each day.…

I Am Thankful.

We celebrated Thanksgiving this week. I did a lot of reflecting on the blessings in my life and on the many things for which I am thankful. Maybe you did, too. Here is my short list. I am thankful for…

A Guest Appearance

Hey, just want to let you know — I will be one of the guests on Read My Lips, Cool Conversations with Creatives today: Monday, Nov. 15, 4:00 PT/7:00 ET. I hope you can check it out.