Category General

Let Freedom Ring. Indeed!

It’s July 4th weekend – Let freedom ring! It’s a time to consciously appreciate this beautiful country. Coincidentally, it was also July 4th three years ago that I set out for Spain . . . for a walk to freedom.…

I Missed Out on Spring

The other day I was lamenting that I had missed out on Spring. I was sad that in the Pacific Northwest we went straight from Winter to Summer, cold to hot. I had wanted to have a nice long Spring.…

Tribute to My Father

It’s Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to all of you dads! It occurs to me to maybe write something about my father. There’s a lot I could say, but I’ll settle on the most unexpected conversation I ever had with…

A Little Giving Goes a Long Ways

I was inspired this week while watching an interview with Brad Formsma, author of “I Like Giving.”  A sweet, simple concept. Giving. But oh how powerful it is especially at a time when everyone has an unlimited supply of complaints…

Take a Break

Some days I have nothing to say. Nothing new anyway. Some days I need to simply stop and reflect on what I’ve already said, heard in my spirit, or read somewhere. Some days I already have so many unprocessed and…

Tribute to My Mother

It’s Mother’s Day and I’m reminded that I am my mother’s daughter . . . and that’s not bad.  My mother was a good woman, very giving and kind. She was a beautiful woman. I haven’t always appreciated that. As…

Listen to Yourself

When’s the last time you listened to yourself? A couple of weeks ago I taught a workshop on communication skills, with particular emphasis on active listening. Last week some of the participants reported that they had practiced those skills, and…

Then Shall You Truly Dance

I’m feeling quite introspective, quite reflective, this week. A dear friend has passed away. Death is a common experience we all share.  We will all leave these earthly bodies one day. We will be missed by our family and by…