Category General

You Are Never Alone

Do you know that you’re never alone? Even when you sit with no one around you, seemingly alone, you are not. You are accompanied by the numerous voices and hearts of those you have sat with over many years. Every…

Bridges are So Profound

Bridge walking. That’s what has been on my mind this week. Bridge walking – taking me from where I am to where I’m going. Bridge walking – spanning two seasons of time. I sense that I am entering a new…

An Appreciation for Friends

I read an article this week by a hospice nurse who listed the five regrets she hears most from people as they are nearing death. One is they regret they did not stay in touch with friends. That tugs at…

Living the Dream

I’m doing it. Living my dream. Walking in my purpose and encouraging others to find or recover their passion and purpose. My SoCal book tour is underway and I am so enjoying meeting new people and reconnecting with others I…

Sing Something Else

I was at a community fair recently. Beautiful event. Lots of people, booths, activity, music and a big car show. As we walked by the music stage, I heard a young man introduce his next song.  He says, ”This one…

My First Book Tour

I’ll be giving a few talks about my Camino de Santiago journey and subsequent book in a few weeks. I’m really excited, and nervous, and appreciative of the opportunities. Being an author and speaker is a dream I’ve had for…

Letting Go

Circling back to my post on August 28, . . . I wrote about how I at one time had really loved freshly-sharpened pencils. They motivated me to write, but I hadn’t written with one in a long time. So…

Reaching Dreams and Goals

I’m betwixt and between, contemplating two extremes; yet suspecting the truth lays somewhere in the middle. I suspect the answer is both/and.  I’m talking about dreams and goals. Do we think them, define them, build plans and go after them?…

A New World

I’ve been thinking about the last entry from my last post . . . that one of my favorite things is Dvorak’s New World Symphony. It is a special experience for me. In high school we performed this piece for…