A Leisurely Pace

I’ve been so busy this week—so many projects, so much going on. Yet I have to admit, that may be due to my pushing. I truly do have time to relax and let work develop at a more reasonable pace,…
I’ve been so busy this week—so many projects, so much going on. Yet I have to admit, that may be due to my pushing. I truly do have time to relax and let work develop at a more reasonable pace,…
This week I found myself thinking about a colleague’s retirement dinner from several years ago. I was the chair of the planning committee. After the event, someone told me how fun it was and hopefully I’d be able to plan…
“Live full. Die empty” is a statement made by spiritual teacher Jack Boland. I have it written on a sticky note on my desk. As I looked at it this week, the thought occurred to me: Then why do I…
What can I learn from this? What good will come of it? These are good questions to ask in any situation. They are especially good to ask when disaster strikes, catastrophe surrounds us, and we feel burdened. There’s always something…
Today is a special day. It was today, 81 years ago, that my husband Raymond Corder was born. I’m so glad he was born, and that our journeys through life brought us together. He has shown me a lot about…
It’s rare that I’m at a loss for words. I can always come up with something . . . but not today. I’m numb from watching the California fires this week. My heart hurts for everyone touched by this disaster.…
This week I was away at a conference where I gave the keynote welcome speech. I really enjoyed it, and I loved interacting with so many people. And now as I sit in the airport waiting to fly back home,…
I hear talk about AI everywhere I turn these days. Like it or not, it’s here with us. Here are some of my thoughts on it which I shared on the podcast The Quill and the Quantum with author and…
I’m writing today to say I’ve got nothing to say today. Yep, after posting consistently for the past three years, I’m taking a break from my blog. I’ve been remembering the workshop I enjoy teaching about how to run effective…
To create magic in the world, own the magic within yourself. Follow your heart. Listen to it. Trust it. It knows more than your head, and it knows that the world is waiting for you. It is waiting to witness…