Category Camino de Santiago

The Camino Day 21 – Ponferrado

The descent from El Acebo is the scariest, the most difficult, I’ve ever encountered. It’s very steep, over loose stone in some places. Every muscle in my body is being called into play. If I could turn around and go…

The Camino Day 19 – Rabanal

I pay extra for a private room tonight, rather than share the dormitory setting with fellow pilgrims. I rationalize the room is worth the extra cost because I will likely be crying tonight in anticipation of tomorrow. That’s when I’ll…

The Camino Day 17 – Burgos

“Keep walking and your heart will catch up.” That’s the advice I gave to someone this week and take it for myself now. Except today that means not walking, but taking the bus again. I’m running out of time and…

The Camino Day 14 – Grañon

I’m the first to arrive at today’s hostel inside a 14th century church and monastery. I stake out my bed for the night, putting my sleeping bag liner over a thin pad among several lined up in a loft of…

The Camino Day 13 – Santo Domingo

It’s late morning when I reach Santo Domingo and leave the dirt roads to navigate the hot cement of bustling city sidewalks. I see a sandwich board sign announcing hamburger plate specials just ahead. How wonderful to find a good…

The Camino Day 12 – Azofra

After some internal conflict and debate, I decide to take the bus again. Today I’ll ride 18 miles to Najera. What a beautiful, glorious ride! I’m on a modern commercial bus with comfortable seats and air conditioning. I know I’ve…