A New Walking Path

It was warm yesterday. Bright sun. Cool breeze. Nice walking weather. So I put on my hiking sandals and took off. It’s my first time out for a walk in my new home, the Lewis-Clark Valley. I must say, I…

It’s a Rainbow

A rainbow. Need I say more? What other natural creation can put such a smile on my face? Rainbows don’t appear daily, so it’s really exciting when shows up. Just because it rains doesn’t guarantee a rainbow will come on…

I Won’t Relinquish My Position

person writing on notebook while holding coffee mug

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s all too easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and constant distractions. We find ourselves endlessly chasing after deadlines, juggling responsibilities, and seeking validation from external sources.…

My Secret Superpower

person sitting on bench under tree

What is my superpower? My area of expertise? Well, it’s not easy. Not everyone can do it, or at least not do it well. It’s a talent I’ve crafted and refined over a lifetime . . . and I’ve really…