I Am as You Are

“Lord, I love you. I love you because you first loved me. I wouldn’t even think to love, to know you, had you not originated it,” I say as I take a moment to spend with my Lord God. I…

Be Still

“Looks like I’ve been AWOL for a while, Lord,” I say as I look at how much time has passed since my last written conversation.  The truth is that’s we’ve still been doing quite a bit of talking . .…

Take Out the Trash

“Did you remember to take out the trash?” the Lord asks, all the while knowing I had not. “The trash?” I respond.  “Well, good morning to you, too, Lord.  Why is the trash such a big deal to be the…

Push Harder

Today, what do I say? I’m wanting to find inspiration, and to be inspirational. I’m looking for words that will be profound, entertaining and motivating.  But I seem to have flat lined.  Nothing appears. Maybe I’m supposed to live today…

The Line of Scrimmage

As I was finishing my shower this morning, I asked, “What do I need to know about today, Lord?” “You’ve reached the line of scrimmage,” he answered me.  The line of scrimmage?  I did play in the high school band…

Hidden Treasures

I sit at the picnic bench alone, my eyes cast to the ground.  Then I hear his voice, my Lord’s voice, behind me. “The ground won’t change just by you looking at it,” he says.  “You will need to get…