Have Patience

Patience. Let patience have her work in you. Let her draw you, mold you, settle you. Let patience take you from one moment to the next. It is not the unknowing that unsettles you, you know. It is the unbelieving.…

Welcome the Heat

So the sun is in your eyes, you say. It blinds you. You cannot see. It causes you to tear up and makes you to back away, to turn away. But no, my precious one. Do not turn away. Just…

Soar With Hope

Your longing . . . your desire . . .your reaching out for more . . . It is all from me. Pushing, pulling, drawing you to come out of the shell that has held you. Drawing you into this…

Unfolding of a New Day

Let the day unfold before you in surprise and wonder, my child. Let its charms sneak up on you as a child at play. Let it tap you gently on the shoulder to say, “Turn. Look. See what I have…

Give What You Treasure

Something for nothing. All over the world people look for what they might get, what they can gain. Yet who looks for what they might give, what they can contribute? Many live upside down in this thought. They are happy…

Happy Birthday to Me!

What a beautiful birthday gift – To be able to say I just completed the best year of my life; that life gets better every year, that I find more beauty in the world every year, that goodness is unending.…