What Will Be Your Legacy?
What legacy do you hope to leave this year? What would you like people to think of when your name comes to mind? This year, during your life, as well as when you’ve left this world. What imprint do you…
What legacy do you hope to leave this year? What would you like people to think of when your name comes to mind? This year, during your life, as well as when you’ve left this world. What imprint do you…
Where does time go? we ask. It goes with us. Time is ours to do with as we wish. We can embrace it, enjoy it, and work harmoniously with it, respecting its boundaries and strengths. Or, we can fight it,…
Dear Year 2022, You fooled me. You let me think the year was going to stretch out and unfold slowly. That there was no rush, that there’s plenty of time for everything and everyone. Now the year is coming to…
Ritual. That’s a word, a practice, that I have despised and regarded as totally unnecessary throughout most of my life. Thankfully, I’m learning how wrong I was. Now I appreciate ritual. I sometimes long for it. Ritual can be elaborate…
Sometimes change – any change – feels like loss and brings us grief. Grief is part of the human experience. We all carry it at one time or another, over one loss or another, to one degree or another. The…
December 2022. The year is drawing to an end, making way for 2023. I often have chosen to ignore the change of one year to another, insisting that it’s really just another day. It’s a continuation of our life, not…
Yay me! Yesterday I learned that I am one of seven authors to receive a prestigious KIMBER AWARD! Don’t know what that is? Check out the announcement on Pages & Paws where Kimber and Mom write my favorite book blogs.…
I write a lot about what I’m experiencing – life’s events and the emotions that go with them. Why? Because writing clarifies my heart for me. When I’m only in thinking mode, I often can’t quite find the words to…
Learning to live with less is one theme often cited as a lesson learned by walkers of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail across Spain. I agree. It is pretty amazing, and freeing, to live 30+ days with only what…
Do you know that you’re never alone? Even when you sit with no one around you, seemingly alone, you are not. You are accompanied by the numerous voices and hearts of those you have sat with over many years. Every…