

person sitting on bench under tree

My Secret Superpower

What is my superpower? My area of expertise? Well, it’s not easy. Not everyone can do it, or at least not do it well. It’s a talent I’ve crafted and refined over a lifetime . . . and I’ve really…

woman with long blond hair getting wine glass from shelves in kitchen

Two Inches: Lost and Found

I went to the doctor this week to get established as a new patient here in my new town. Of course, they took my weight. Okay, nothing I didn’t already know. Then they measured my height. I’ve lost two inches!…

woman in gray sleeveless top standing indoors

Jaw-Dropping Awe

You wanna know what makes my jaw drop in awe and my eyes grow moist? It’s the realization that the dream I seek, seeks me, too. I’m not alone in the dreaming. To know it’s not a one-way stretch, to…

couple carrying cardboard boxes in living room

Let Go and Refresh

We moved into our new home . . . with so much to unpack. Ay caramba! My routine was lost. My annual planning book, my favorite gel pen, my writing journal – all MIA. I almost went Missing In Action.…

About my Carlos Santana Boots

We went out to dinner last week and a friend commented that she likes my boots. I shared that these boots were designed by Carlos Santana. I bought them when I moved from Los Angeles to rural Indiana. I like…

photo of singing woman in red top and black framed eyeglasses listening to music on her headphones

Time to Let Go!

Happy New Year! I hope you’re as excited about 2024 as I am.  Here’s why: My commitment this year is to show up and play full out. Every week. What does that mean? It means I won’t hold back or…

I’m Moving!

I’m on the move. I’m moving. Literally. Even as you read this, I am packing the dishes and coffee cups because the movers are on their way and Ray and I will be in our new home tomorrow (Monday). We’re…