Ah, To Be Great

This week I had reason to revisit a book I read in the early 2000s – Good to Great, Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t. It’s a book that has always stayed in my mind, but I had forgotten the profound statement that really summarizes it. Author Jim Collins said, “Good is the enemy of great.” Then he goes on to detail stories of companies that made the leap to greatness and contrasts them with others that did not.

What I like about reading it at this time in my life is that I see it applies to people, too. When we are doing well, when everything is “good,” then we’re content to continue as is. Good is a trap to keep us from going on to be great. Often, it’s only when we have adversity that we try to change. We only move out of a comfort zone when it’s no longer comfortable. How much better to step out of that zone because we can see the possibilities calling out to us and having it “good enough” no longer satisfies. How much better to take a little risk and make a leap to greatness. You in?

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