A Leisurely Pace
I’ve been so busy this week—so many projects, so much going on. Yet I have to admit, that may be due to my pushing. I truly do have time to relax and let work develop at a more reasonable pace, but I have a false sense that I must be doing “important” things. So it was inspiring to me to run across this journal entry this week—something I wrote last summer.
“Little warrior, little brave one, how often you run into the woods as if to fight a foe; but really, it is only to escape the peace and the calm. Not every moment must be filled. Not every idea must be thought. Not every word must be spoken. Sometimes they just need a place to rest. To lie down. To develop. In that is power to create. It comes not from activity, but from rest. So rest now, little one. Rest and let be.”
Got it! This week I’m looking forward to a leisurely pace of work, some rest, a bit of creation, and a good dose of inspiration. Hope you can enjoy the same!