A Flash Back to Earlier Years

Today I was a 19-year-old driving my ’69 Chevy Nova in the hot Arizona sun. Without air conditioning. That’s what I felt like anyway. As the temp moved above 100 degrees here in the Lewis-Clark Valley, I was reminded of Phoenix where I grew up. The dry air, the heat, felt so familiar. Of course, I was driving my Chevy Equinox with the A/C blasting, . . . for a while. Then I decided to revisit my teen years. I turned off the A/C and rolled down the windows. What a wonderful feeling!

Isn’t it funny how little things remind us of past happenings? Sometimes they’re not quite so pleasant. Sometimes the unidentified familiar drives us to tears seemingly for no reason. But other times, like today, they make us smile for seemingly no reason. I think the key is to be aware, to notice life within and without us, to be mindful as we go about our daily activities. Afterall, life is beautiful. It is precious. And, we don’t get any do-overs. Live today fully.

One comment

  1. This is so true, Cathay. The temps here in PA have been not far from 100; although we have almost 70 % humidity which is a killer! I have thought of AZ through all this heat. As I reading this too, I thought of what happens to me from time to time at different times and locations here in PA. I may be walking through a Target parking lot for instance (and we know how they all look the very same) & all of a sudden I actually placed myself in the South Phoenix Baseline store, and none could tell me otherwise. It is so strange how my homesickness too can add to the desire to be there so much so that sometimes I can be sitting here on my deck and it just washes over me ha ha

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