I Keep Hanging On

What a week it’s been! Hot. Smokey. Stressful work projects. Pants that became too small. Garden flowers wilted and dying. So what? I keep hanging on. In fact, I thrive regardless of the punches the circumstances are throwing at me. Those things are not personal. They all can be remedied. They’ll change once again. Meanwhile, I maintain my stance: I can do anything, I am unstoppable, I am an amazing woman. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

And hey! If you missed my radio interview with Annie McKinlay on KYRS Community Radio last week, you can still hear it in the archives. It’s at https://kyrs.org/show/page-turner-show/  Click on the link, go to Archives, choose The Page Turner Show from the dropdown box of shows, and click on July 19, 2024. We talked about my writing routine, my husband Ray, my Camino journey, my books, and passion. It’s sexy, you know. What’s your passion?

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