A Tribute to My Equinox

I’m happy to say that this week I paid off my Chevy Equinox. My gorgeous ivy green Equinox, Ivy. I’ve been thinking about her all week because she’s special. She’s symbolic. I traded in a Hyundai Sonata for her in South Dakota, in the middle of leaving Indiana to move to the Pacific Northwest. My travelmates and I had stopped at a dealership/repair shop to have their car looked at . . . and there she was sitting on the lot. You couldn’t miss her – the only one of that color. After a long hesitation . . . I mean after all, who just impulsively buys a car in the middle of a cross-country move? . . . I guess I do . . . I made the trade.

What’s special is that she is unique. She stands out. People can always tell where I am because you can easily spot the car in a lot. I get lots of compliments on her color. Lots of thumbs up. She does not blend in. And that’s why she’s special. I bought her at a time when I was making a decision to step into and own who I am; to not hide in the background but to stand front and center. That’s what Ivy does, and I’ve been taking my cue from her. She’s a reminder that it’s okay to stand out. It’s good. It’s good for me and for you. Thank you, Ivy.


  1. Aw, she’s even more beautiful than I imagined when I first read your post. (Came here in search of a photo….) 💐

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