So I was reading someone’s account of doing the ‘firewalk’ at an event with motivational speaker Tony Robbins. The ‘firewalk?” you ask? Yes, it’s the ritual of walking over hot coals . . . barefoot. To answer your next question – No, I do not want to do that. Nope. Not me. What caught my attention was that the author said after he successfully did it, he gained the sense that he can do anything. Nothing is impossible.

It occurs to me that this is also one of the treasures of walking the Camino de Santiago. That’s the 483-mile trail I walked (most of) across Spain in 2019. I completed it and found a new mantra: I can do anything. I am unstoppable. I am an amazing woman. I still feel it. I know hard things may come my way. Hard things tend to show up on everyone’s doorstep at one time or another. And it’s in doing those hard things that we learn how strong and how resilient we really are. Hard things are a gift.

So today I leave you with a thought. You can do hard things. If you can grasp that truth and hold on to it by taking an action that you’ve been fearfully contemplating, or by saying yes to an invitation to which you usually say no out of habit, or by forgiving someone who really messed with you badly, then do it. If you can’t, then maybe you should consider a trek across Spain or go find where you can get in on a firewalk. It’s time to own your power. Time to know you can do anything. It’s time to be unstoppable.

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