I Like Coming Home

This week I was away at a conference where I gave the keynote welcome speech. I really enjoyed it, and I loved interacting with so many people. And now as I sit in the airport waiting to fly back home, I’m thinking about how much I like going home, too. I love to travel. Love to see old friends and meet new ones. Love to step my feet into the ocean, which I was able to do at this conference site. But those things mean so much more because I also get to come back home, sit with Ray on our back porch, and drink coffee.

I suspect “coming home” is like being centered. Being firm and comfortable with who we are at our core. From there we can courageously stretch and do something beyond our comfort zone. Perhaps we can do that because we do have a core home within, a safe place to return to. It’s being in tune with our core being that gives us the support to venture out. And I do love to venture out, but I also appreciate having a home to return to.

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