Month December 2021

A Wish for the New Year

Some days I feel just a little lost. Some days I find myself questioning what is my purpose here on this earth. This week I was touched by the daily meditation from Fr. Richard Rohr from the Center for Action…

A Message of Hope

My love letter to time

This week someone told me that we have a great need for hope right now. And we do, don’t we? Pure, simple hope.  The Lord once said to me – in response to my complaints – “The hope you bought…

Setting Intentions for 2022

My love letter to time

They say when you make a birthday wish, you’re supposed to keep it a secret. If you tell anyone what you wished for, it won’t come true. What’s up with that? And why is it that we then tend to…

Running out of time? I think not.

My love letter to time

I think I’m running out of time, or time is getting away from me, or something. There is a mismatch between all I want to do, all I dream to do and the actual doing that gets done each day.…