Not So Fast
Today I had a vision to share with a friend. She was wedged in a crevice on a steep mountain. The path which led around the mountain had fallen away at this one point; there was a gap between the…
Today I had a vision to share with a friend. She was wedged in a crevice on a steep mountain. The path which led around the mountain had fallen away at this one point; there was a gap between the…
“I feel anxious, Lord. Unsettled.” I seem to be having a hard time focusing. I feel restless and something gnawing at me, but I don’t know what it is. “That’s right,” the Lord says. “Gnawing because you have neglected to…
“Turn around and look at where you have come from. Look at where you have been,” the Lord says to me early this morning. But I’m afraid to look back, afraid to see what is behind me. Afraid it will…
“Lord, I love you. I love you because you first loved me. I wouldn’t even think to love, to know you, had you not originated it,” I say as I take a moment to spend with my Lord God. I…
“Looks like I’ve been AWOL for a while, Lord,” I say as I look at how much time has passed since my last written conversation. The truth is that’s we’ve still been doing quite a bit of talking . .…