Give What You Treasure
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Something for nothing. All over the world people look for what they might get, what they can gain. Yet who looks for what they might give, what they can contribute? Many live upside down in this thought. They are happy and pleased to give what they get – once they have consumed what they desire. That which is left over is easy to discard, to give away as if it is of great service.

To give what one does not treasure is not to give at all. It is merely leaving aside what is not of value. It is nothing. To give that which one treasures, to give sacrificially from the heart – this is something. This is honorable. This draws reward. This draws life and opens room for more goodness to grow.

Give what is life and goodness to you and it will come back to you many times over. It will come back in ways you would have never dreamed to ask. It will surprise you. It will make you smile. It will raise you up to believe beyond what you thought was possible.

Give and let abundance refill, replenish, restore you. Let it flow freely. It will overflow the banks of the river that runs through your soul. It cannot be contained by the limits of what you thought you could have or what you thought you could be. It will overflow and wash away every barrier that has kept you hidden. It will lift you to light, to life, and draw you into your purpose. It will draw you into something beyond what you can imagine or know today. But tomorrow . . . yes, tomorrow . . . you will see.

For more see  Joy Unfolding, Messages for the Guarded Heart


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